Interfaith Intercultural Wedding Ceremonies

Joining Hands and Hearts, Interfaith, Intercultural Wedding Celebrations, A Practical Guide for Couples (Simon and Schuster) is for couples of all backgrounds who wish a heartfelt and inclusive wedding ceremony. Today couples of all faiths, colors and cultures are choosing an interfaith ceremony for its spiritually inclusive and personal approach. It is a way of rejoicing in our differences and celebrating our commonality in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect.

Joining Hands and Hearts will guide you in every aspect of planning and creating the wedding ceremony of your dreams—one that will resonate throughout your married life! As a pioneer in the interfaith community with her new approach to ceremony, Macomb’s wedding book is considered by many to be the primer for creating interfaith and intercultural wedding services. Within its pages you will find the most complete manual of universal, religious and cultural rituals, prayers, vows and blessings available. Its extensive manual features 14 faith traditions, numerous humanist and universal elements, and dozens of cultures. Language is adapted so that it speaks to all hearts—in a way that no one is excluded or offended.

Spirituality is emphasized over religious dogma. Each ritual is detailed and explained for you, your families and your celebrant. Macomb offers warm and tender counsel on issues that may surface at the time of the wedding. Read how to approach your families and traditions with respect, love and understanding. Sprinkled throughout the text are inspirational love stories, quotes and the memorable ceremonies of many interfaith, interdenominational, non-denominational, intercultural, interracial and same-faith couples that Macomb has helped join in marriage. You are not alone!

If yours is an interfaith, intercultural or interracial union then you have already embraced a love that knows no boundaries. What could be more beautiful? Joining Hands and Hearts can help you celebrate your union with all the love, grace, and magic it deserves!

Interfaith, intercultural, and interracial couples bring healing and hope for all of us. Each intermarriage brings us one step closer to peace.

Available on: Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Bless This Child, A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Baby Blessings Ceremonies is a step by step guide that helps the reader create memorable, inclusive baby blessing ceremonies that reflect who the family is, how they feel and what they believe. Family members and guests are honored and included in new and meaningful ways. Within its pages is the most extensive menu of ceremonial elements available – traditions, rituals, poetry, prose, scripture, blessings, prayers, and quotes. Macomb has culled from the best traditions around the world and developed new ones, combining spiritual, cultural as well as humanist aspects. There are real-life family stories and sample ceremonies, as well as tender counsel for the interfaith family.

Modern, relevant and global, Bless This Child is also an excellent resource for clergy and humanist celebrants who serve interfaith, intercultural families – or those wishing to personalize their services.

Available on: Amazon and Barnes & Noble